Cosmetic Confidence Corner

Tummy Tuck - Behind the Scenes

Written by Dr. Guiloff | Jun 19, 2018 12:10:00 PM

Ever wondered what a cosmetic procedure looks like behind the scenes? Or maybe think about getting rid of that bothersome pooch or excess skin on your stomach?

Patients who are looking for a flatter stomach or more definition in their abdomen will often consider a tummy tuck. Perhaps they have lost some weight or have finished their child-bearing time and want to take care of themselves.

Tummy tucks, technically known as abdiminoplasty, are fairly common procedures and can have dramatic impact on how a person feels about their body.

No matter what their reason, I work with each one as an individual to make sure their results are unique to them and they are happy with their results.

A tummy tuck can be performed on individuals up to their 70s with amazing results. Ideally they have gotten to their ideal weight and are able to maintain it moving forward to ensure long lasting results.

This patient came to me with a large and very prominent abdomen. Her goal, at just over 60 years old, she was ready for a flatter tummy and removal of her mons area "pooch". 

My team and I spent around 3 hours and performed several procedures. I carefully removed over 6lbs and 6.1oz of fat and tissue to reveal a significant reduction in the pelvic area and protruding abdomen. 

Please note this video does contain graphic images.

Not shown in the video, I also performed liposuction of the inner thighs to help sculpt the final look.

You can check out more before photos and details here. Be sure to subscribe to Cosmetic Confidence Corner and stay tuned for follow up pictures in 6 to 8 months.

Think a tummy tuck might be a good option for you? Schedule an appointment and we can talk about your options together.

Have a beautiful day!
Dr. G