Many people who could benefit from cheek augmentation never realize it, because they never see themselves in profile. Cheek augmentation or mentoplasty, can enhance the appearance of the face. Cheekbones maybe augmented by placing an implant over them. They look and feel natural. This is usually performed through an incision inside the mouth, but it may be done also through a lower eyelid incision.

After a cheek augmentation, you will most likely be up and about the same day as surgery and back to work within 7 to 10 days. A soft diet is required for a few days after surgery to help in proper healing. The moderate discomfort can be controlled with medication.

Please set-up your free consultation with Dr. Guiloff to find out if this procedure is right for you.

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Please take a moment to look at some before & after pictures of this procedure and many other popular ones in the before & after gallery. To view the before (on the left) and the after (on the right).

See Before & After Photos of Facial Procedures