Cosmetic Confidence Corner

Back to Our New "Normal"

Written by Dr. Guiloff | Sep 9, 2020 11:08:00 AM

Back to Our New "Normal"

Kids are going back to school and businesses are continuing to open back up. My office is committed to being fully open to be able to help you with your cosmetic needs.

I am happy to welcome you back into the office.


While we are still taking the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe, you can put your mind at ease. Team members are all wearing their protective masks and following additional cleansing protocols to ensure the office is as clean as ever.

Current clients:

Elective procedures in the office are again being scheduled. If you had an elective procedure postponed or cancelled, the team has likely already reached out to you. If not, please let us know so we can get you back on the calendar.

Future patients:

New consultation requests are again being accepted, and new elective appointments will be able to be scheduled for new patients as well.

If you put off scheduling a procedure and are ready to book one now, we can't wait to hear from you. Plus if you book in September, you'll get 10% off fillers and injectables, done by me.

Thank you for your understanding while we adjusted to our new normal, and have a beautiful day.

Dr. Arturo K. Guiloff