Multiple pregnancies, weight gain and weight loss take a tremendous toll on a woman's figure. Especially in the stomach area. In men and women who have fat that is concentrated in the abdomen, this procedure will remove excess skin and fat and tighten the muscles of the abdomen.

This operation is usually performed under general anesthesia and it takes three to four hours to perform. It is performed as an outpatient procedure and you will go home on the same day. Very few patients will require a brief hospital stay of one day. A more limited procedure called mini-abdominoplasty also may be performed as an outpatient.

Dr. Guiloff works through a low abdominal incision that spans the hips. The abdominal skin is raised and another incision is made around the belly button to free it from the surrounding skin. The excess skin is then removed and the abdominal muscles tightened. Often liposuction is performed in conjunction with abdominoplasty to remove fat deposits from the hips, for a better result.

Dr. Guiloff uses a special technique where no drains are necessary after surgery, making your recovery much easier. Also a special long term anesthetic (Exparel) that lasts 3 days is infiltrated into the tissues reducing the postoperative discomfort.

After surgery, you will have some soreness and discomfort which can be controlled with medication. You may be up and around in a day or two, but you should avoid strenuous activities for several weeks. You will also be advised to wear a light support garment during the recovery. Some people return to work after a couple of weeks, but realistically most people take three to four weeks to rest and recuperate.

Although every effort is made to minimize scarring, the scars will be permanent but will fade over time. Even though they will never disappear completely, your scars will not show under most clothing. Almost immediately after your surgery you will enjoy a flatter, firmer abdomen and a thinner waist.

Please set-up your free consultation with Dr. Guiloff to find out if this procedure is right for you.

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Please take a moment to look at some before & after pictures of this procedure and many other popular ones in the before & after gallery. To view the before (on the left) and the after (on the right).

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